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Solar Power Myth Busters: Myth #6

March 23, 2011

Solar Power Myth #6:

Solar power is only effective on sunny days.

SUNworks Truth #6:

Solar power is effective almost anywhere… regardless of climate. Germany ranks low in the number of sunny day per year, but is the solar capital of the world. Lighthouses run on solar power in New England and Alaska. That being said, 2 out of 3 solar panels installed in the US are in California due to our climate, rebates and tax incentives.

At SUNworks we build custom systems to fit your needs so that your power usage is covered year round.

Your investment adviser may not mention solar, but most homeowners and businesses are converting to solar because it provides high-yield, guaranteed returns on your investment. Sacramento ranks in the top 10 cities for clear days and percentage of sunshine, making solar an even more efficient investment.

To find out ways to save with solar, visit our website.

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